Extrication Tools on the Market 2022
Having the knowledge and tools necessary to help passengers survive an automobile accident is essential to a successful extrication. During a high-stress situation where the outcome is unknown, every minute counts. A great way to stay prepared as a member of both Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Fire & Rescue Services is keeping your education and equipment up to date. Below you find current information about what your team can use to improve safety and efficiency during an extrication:
- Crash Kit. Crash Kits include a variety of tools, such as gloves, wrenches, and screwdrivers for universal assistance during an emergency. Fire Engineering put together a great video with veteran New York Firefighters on what to put in a “Quick Hit Bag”.
- Since federal standards require laminated windows on vehicles, adding the compact Rhyno 2.1 Windshield Cutter to your bag will save minutes when needing to reach a victim safely and quickly in an accident.
- Cribbing/Struts. Both of these techniques are used to make sure the vehicles involved in an accident are stabilized and help first responders get to victims. The industry has been trying to progress what is available to stabilize a vehicle. Res-q-jack has worked to make new devices that are lightweight and decrease the time to immobilize a vehicle. Firehouse has also done an article on how to be more proactive and prepared for many different situations you may not consider. Read More!.
- Spreaders and Cutters. These tools are typically hydraulic and battery powered, which allows a rescue team the ability to get to a vehicle at any location and with fewer team members to operate. Fire Engineering providing tips and tricks to using spreaders and cutters at an accident scene (see below); Todd Taylor from Advanced Rescue Solutions shows how to quickly and safely use both. Hurst Jaw of Life has created the industry’s first watertight battery-powered extrication tool line. Pairing the Jaw of Life with the Rhyno Hydro Underwater Laminated Glass Cutter helps minimize risk and maximize efficiency when assisting injured passengers in a vehicle submerged underwater.
Disclaimer: The information on this website is intended for general, informational purposes only and is not intended to provide professional advice or promote products.